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Meet Claire Leah Woods

A born and bred Brummie now residing in the Black Country, Claire knows a thing or two about the crazy, beautiful diversities of the human race. Her all-you-can-eat-and-drink holidays and lone travelling have taken her up to Norway, across to Jamaica, and east to Jordan and the Red Sea. If she wasn't otherwise engaged, her dating profile would probably read 'Love sun and Mai Tais. Warning: ruled by a yappy Shih-Tzu.'


Claire graduated from The Open University in 2021 with a Master's in Creative Writing and before that, a BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature. She has written and edited for The Cultural Me and has contributed to a number of Write Club OU publications. Her passions lie in lit fic, flash fic and short stories, though fitting to her life mantra, she'll give anything a dabble once.


Where's the Manual? And Other Thoughts on Parenthood is out soon!


*Now open for collaborative enquiries*

Follow @claireleahwoods on Facebook and Instagram

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